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【Despite / In spite of:~にも関わらず】YouTube動画解説(Part1&2)とレッスンで使える教材(Part3)

今回の内容は、「Despite」と「In spite of」を使った文が正しく作れるようになる方法です。


「Despite」と「In spite of」は意味も使い方も同じで、



  • 具合が悪いけど(にも関わらず)会社に行った。

  • 予算は越えているが(にも関わらず)高級車を買った。

  • 人と話すのはとくいじゃないにも関わらず、営業職に異動になった。





Even thoughも、

「Despite」と「In spite of」と同様に使う事ができるフレーズです。


今日は「Despite」と「In spite of」を使った文章を使いこなせるようになる練習をしましょう。




 <Part 1. 解説> 

まずは「Despite」と「In spite of」を使った例文を見ていきましょう。


Despite the economy improving, our products have not sold as much as we expect.



Despite + 【名詞/動名詞】 ,  + 文章.



Despite the economy improving, our products have not sold as much as we expect.



Despite + 【名詞/動名詞】 ,  + 文章.


【名詞/動名詞】の後には必ず コンマ(,)が入ります。




Our products have not sold as much as we expect despite the economy improving.





文章despite【名詞/動名詞】 .


Our products have not sold as much as we expect despite the economy improving.


「Despite」もしくは「In spite of」は、



 <Part 2. 理解度チェック> 


「Despite」と「In spite of」を使って




「Despite」もしくは「In spite of」を使って



Please combine two sentences using the word "despite".

- Amy's company faces financial challenges.


- Amy's company sends her on business trips to various countries every year.



Despite facing financial challenges, Amy's company sends her on business trips to various countries every year.


Amy's company sends her on business trips to various countries every year, despite facing financial challenges.



Please combine two sentences using the word "In spite of".

-Lisa has a fear of public speaking.


-Lisa regularly gives presentations at work.

( リサは職場で定期的にプレゼンテーションを行う。)


Despite her fear of public speaking, Lisa regularly gives presentations at work.


Lisa regularly gives presentations at work despite her fear of public speaking.



Please combine two sentences using the word "despite".

-The restaurant is understaffed.


-The restaurant always provides prompt and friendly service.



Despite being understaffed, the restaurant always provides prompt and friendly service.


The restaurant always provides prompt and friendly service despite being understaffed.



Please combine two sentences using the word "In spite of".

-I am not a morning person.


-I always arrive at work on time.



Despite not being a morning person, I always arrive at work on time.


I always arrive at work on time despite not being a morning person.



Please combine two sentences using the word "despite".

-Jenny faces language barriers in foreign countries.


-Jenny makes new friends easily. 



Despite facing language barriers in foreign countries, Jenny makes new friends easily.


Jenny makes new friends easily despite facing language barriers in foreign countries.



Please combine two sentences using the word "In spite of".

-There are some technical difficulties.


-The conference  garnered positive feedback



In spite of technical difficulties, the conference garnered positive feedback.


The conference garnered positive feedback in spite of technical difficulties.




 <Part 3. スピーキングアクティビティ> 





<はじめに / Before you start>

このアクティビティは、講師 1 名と受講生 1 名による 60 分間のプライベートレッスン用に設計されています。ただし、講師1名と受講生 6 名の90分間のグループレッスンでも使用できるように変更できます。

This lesson is designed for a Private Lesson with one teacher and one student with a duration of 60 minutes.

However, this lesson plan could be creatively modified for use in a group of up to six students and one teacher, with a duration of 90 minutes.



<Free Practice Speaking Activity 1>では、事前に行っていただくホームワークがあります。ご自身の仕事についてを題材にした1 分間のプレゼンテーションを作成してきてください。

To the student: 

When you meet with your teacher, do these Speaking Activities. 

Then, your teacher will give you feedback. 

Also for homework, please check < Free Practice Speaking Activity 1>. You need to create a 1-minute presentation about your work using "Despite/ In spite of" .


この動画をレッスンに参加する前に必ず視聴してください。 宿題についても、「Free Practice Speaking Activity 1」で生徒は 1 分間のプレゼンテーションを作成する必要があります。

To the teacher: 

Assign the video at the following link for homework. Make sure that they have watched the video before they come to the lesson. 

Also for homework, please check "Free Practice Speaking Activity 1". The student needs to create a 1-minute presentation about their work using "Despite/In spite of~".

< レッスンの流れ / Lesson Flow >

  1. Controlled Practice Speaking Activity 1 (10 minutes)

  2. Controlled Practice Speaking Activity 2 (10 minutes)

  3. Free Practice Speaking Activity 1 (15 minutes)

  4. Free Practice Speaking Activity 2 (25 minutes)

If you have a shorter lesson (40 to 50 minutes), then just complete < Controlled Practice Speaking Activity 2 > and do < Free Practice Speaking Activities 1 &2 >. If you have a 30 minute lesson, do < Free Practice Speaking Activity 2 >.  

1. Controlled Practice Speaking Activity 1 (10 minutes)



2 つの文章を見て「Despite/ In spite of~」を使って1つの文にまとめます。(文章は書きださずに頭の中で考えてください。

For the student:

Look at the two sentences and combine them into one sentence using "Despite/ In spite of~". 

(Do not write the sentences down. Just create the sentence in your mind.) 

For the teacher: 

Listen to your student as they combine the two sentences into one sentence using "Despite/ In spite of~". Make sure that the sentences make sense.

 This should be the first time that the student sees this exercise, so if they tell you that they see a new vocabulary word, please explain it and then mark it down for further review. You can find the answer key for the exercise at the bottom of this page.



The company faced tough market competition. 

The company managed to increase its market share. 


The startup had limited resources.

The startup successfully launched its innovative product. 


The business encountered economic downturns. 

The business has consistently expanded its product line. 


The budget is tight. 

The marketing team executed a successful advertising campaign. 


They experienced supply chain disruptions. 

The company delivered products to clients on time. 


The team faced communication challenges. 

The multinational team achieved project milestones. 


2.Controlled Practice Speaking Activity 2 (10 minutes)



文章を見て「Despite/ In spite of~」を使って空欄を埋めてください。


For the student:

Look at the sentences and fill in the blanks using "Despite/ In spite of~". 

(Do not write the sentences down. Just create the sentence in your mind.) 

For the teacher: 

Listen to your student as they fill in the blanks of the sentences using "Despite/ In Spite of~". Give your student 5 seconds to think of suitable information to put in the blank. Make sure that the sentence makes sense before moving onto the next one.

 This should be the first time that the student sees this exercise, so if they tell you that they see a new vocabulary word, please explain it and then mark it down for further review.


1.) _______________, the team managed to meet the quarterly targets.

2.) She handled the client's complaints professionally, _______________.

3.) _______________, the company experienced a significant increase in profits.

4.)  _______________, the IT department resolved the problem swiftly.

5.) The project failed, _______________.

6.) _______________, the marketing campaign attracted a large number of new customers.


3. Free Practice Speaking Activity 1 (15 minutes)





先生に1分間、あなたの仕事を題材にしたプレゼンテーションを行ってください。「Despite/ In spite of~」を正しく使用できたかを先生が教えてくれます。次に、先生がプレゼンテーションについて質問するので、先生の質問に答えてください。

For the student:

For homework, your teacher told you to prepare a short 1-minute presentation about your work. Please deliver that presentation to your teacher now. Your teacher will tell you if you used "Despite/ In spite of~" correctly. 

 Then, your teacher will ask you questions about your presentation. Please answer your teacher's questions. 

For the teacher: 

Your student will deliver a 1-minute presentation about their work. 

Listen carefully to make sure that they used "Despite/ In spite of~" correctly.

Correct any mistakes that they made and make sure they understand the mistakes. 

Then ask them questions about the presentation.

Then, after 10 minutes of discussion, give them feedback about their mistakes for 5 minutes. 

4. Free Practice Speaking Activity 2 (25 minutes)



あなたの仕事について15~20分間のビジネスディスカッションを行います。 「Despite/ In spite of~」を使って自分の仕事に関連した内容について話してください。先生はあなたの話を聞いて、ビジネスディスカッションを続けるための質問をします。

For the student:

You will have a 15 to 20 minute Business Discussion about your work. Please talk about anything related to your job. 

Try to use "Despite/ In spite of~", if possible. 

Your teacher will listen and ask you questions to continue the Business Discussion.

For the teacher: 

Your student will start a 15 to 20 minute Business Discussion about their work. They can talk about any topic, but they will try to use "Despite/In spite of~" where possible. 

Listen carefully and ask very conversational questions.

As the Business Discussion progresses, take notes of how they use "Despite/ In spite of~". 

If they use it incorrectly, make note of it. Then after the 15 to 20 minute Business Discussion is over, give feedback for 5 to 10 minutes and explain their mistakes. 



Controlled Practice Speaking Activity 1 ANSWER KEY


Despite facing tough market competition, the company managed to increase its market share.

The company managed to increase its market share, despite facing tough market competition.


In spite of having limited resources, the startup successfully launched its innovative product.

The startup successfully launched its innovative product, in spite of having limited resources.


Despite encountering economic downturns, the business has consistently expanded its product line.

The business has consistently expanded its product line, despite encountering economic downturns.


In spite of a tight budget, the marketing team executed a successful advertising campaign.

The marketing team executed a successful advertising campaign, in spite of a tight budget.


Despite experiencing supply chain disruptions, the company delivered products to clients on time.

The company delivered products to clients on time, despite experiencing supply chain disruptions.


In spite of facing communication challenges, the multinational team achieved project milestones.

The multinational team achieved project milestones, in spite of facing communication challenges.

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