WEEK 2 : 90-Minute Lesson Plan
1.) Review of Week 1 (40 minutes)
Review Communication Strategies
Communication Strategy 1: Could you speak slowly, please?
Communication Strategy 2: What does ○○○ mean?
Communication Strategy 3: Could you rephrase that, please?
Communication Strategy 4: Could you say that again, please?
Communication Strategy 5: Let me search a word.
Communication Strategy 6: Let me think for a moment.
Communication Strategy 7: I'm afraid that I'm a little confused.
Review Vocabulary Section
Vocabulary List:
English | Japanese (日本語) |
Manager | マネージャー |
Sales assistant | 販売アシスタント |
Marketing | マーケティング |
Research and Development (R&D) | 研究開発 |
Product development | 製品開発 |
Customer service | カスタマーサービス |
Packaging | パッケージング |
Inventory | 在庫管理 |
Quality control | 品質管理 |
Technician | 技術者 |
Exercise: Multiple Choice Vocabulary Practice
I work as a __________, and my job is to help customers in the store.
a) Marketing
b) Sales assistant
c) Manager
Our __________ department is responsible for creating new products.
a) Quality control
b) R&D
c) Customer service
The __________ team makes sure our products look great in the store.
a) Packaging
b) Inventory
c) Marketing
__________ helps us maintain the right amount of stock in our stores.
a) Inventory
b) Product development
c) Technician
__________ checks the quality of the products before they are shipped.
a) Quality control
b) Sales assistant
c) Customer service
I work as a __________ and handle all technical issues in the lab.
a) Manager
b) Technician
c) Marketing
Review Grammar Section : Present Simple Tense for Facts and Habits
The Present Simple tense is used to talk about facts and habits. For example:
"I work in the packaging department."
"She applies foundation every morning."
Exercise: Fill-in-the-Blanks
They __________ (develop) new cosmetic products.
I __________ (apply) toner every night.
Our team __________ (sell) a variety of skincare products.
He __________ (work) in the customer service department.
We __________ (package) the products before shipping.
She __________ (use) moisturizer to hydrate her skin.
Review Speaking Section : Self-Introduction
Students will once again introduce themselves, but this time, they should also mention one of their favorite products or routines in their job.
Questions for Self-Introduction:
What is your name?
What is your job title?
What department do you work in?
What is one of your favorite products or work routines?
2.) New Material (40 minutes)
New Vocabulary Section
Vocabulary List:
English | Japanese (日本語) |
Colleague | 同僚 |
Client | 顧客 |
Meeting | 会議 |
Presentation | プレゼンテーション |
Report | レポート |
Feedback | フィードバック |
Deadline | 締め切り |
Task | 仕事/タスク |
Schedule | スケジュール |
Break | 休憩 |
Exercise: Multiple Choice Vocabulary Practice
We have a __________ at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
a) Report
b) Meeting
c) Task
She needs to finish the __________ by next Friday.
a) Feedback
b) Break
c) Deadline
My __________ helps me stay organized throughout the day.
a) Client
b) Schedule
c) Presentation
I gave a __________ about our new product yesterday.
a) Report
b) Presentation
c) Break
After the meeting, we received __________ from the client.
a) Feedback
b) Deadline
c) Task
I will take a short __________ after completing this task.
a) Break
b) Report
c) Schedule
New Grammar Section : Question Forms
In English, there are different types of questions, including yes/no questions, WH-questions, and choice questions. For example:
Yes/No Question:
"Do you work in marketing?"
"Where do you work?"
Choice Question:
"Do you work in marketing or sales?"
Exercise: Rewrite the sentences as questions.
She works in the marketing department. (Yes/No)
They have a meeting tomorrow. (WH-Question)
You like skincare or makeup? (Choice Question)
He applies sunscreen every morning. (Yes/No)
They design new products. (WH-Question)
You work with clients or colleagues? (Choice Question)
New Speaking Section : Saying Hello, Introducing Others, and Saying Goodbye
Students will practice simple social interactions, including greetings, introductions, and farewells, using the key phrases below.
Business Activity : Saying Hello and Goodbye
Saying Hello and Introducing Yourself
Hello. My name is...
Pleased to meet you.
How are you?
It's nice to meet you.
Introducing Someone
This is...
Do you know...?
Saying Hello to Someone You Know
It's good to see you again.
How are you?
Saying Goodbye
It was nice meeting you.
See you soon.
Have a good journey.
3). Casual Discussion Section: Travel (10 minutes)
Teacher Questions:
Have you ever traveled to another country? Where did you go?
Do you prefer traveling by plane, train, or car?
What is your favorite place you have visited?
Where would you like to travel in the future?
Do you prefer relaxing vacations or active vacations with lots of activities?