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【Class Material】 Pre-Intermediate : WEEK 12

WEEK 12 : Section1~3      


1.)    Meeting Roleplay: Controlling the Discussion in Meetings + Evaluating Options (Student 5 Leading)

Meeting Roleplay 3: Choosing Ideas to Help Our Image

(Read Evaluating Options Roleplay Steps*)

Background: People say that our cosmetics company is hurting the environment and not helping local communities. People say that we make too much waste and pollution and do not support local projects enough. We want to improve how people see us by being more responsible. We have four ideas:

  1. Sustainable Sourcing Policy:

    Use eco-friendly suppliers for our raw materials.

  2. Recycling Program:

    Ask customers to return empty containers. Give them discounts or rewards.

  3. Local Community Programs:

    Use our profits to help education or skill training for young people where we work.

  4. Employee Volunteer Program:

    Let employees take paid time off to help with community projects.

Goal: We need to choose two of these ideas to start right away to make our company look better.

*Evaluating Options Roleplay Steps (English)

  1. Think for 3 minutes about which two plans you prefer.

  2. Type your choices in the chat box and give a short reason.

    • For example:

      • Recycling Program: reduces waste

      • Employee Volunteer Program: helps local communities

  3. Look at everyone’s choices and read their reasons.

  4. You have 2 minutes to think about the weak points (problems) of each choice in the chat box. Also, think again about your own choices. (You can prefer more than two if you’re unsure.)

  5. Start the meeting roleplay.

  6. During the roleplay, discuss and compare these options.

  7. If you do not like any option, you can suggest new ideas at any time.

評価オプション・ロールプレイの手順 (Japanese)

  1. 3分間考えて、どの2つのプランを選ぶか決めましょう。

  2. チャットボックスに自分の選択を書き、簡単な理由を述べてください。

    • 例:

      • リサイクルプログラム: 廃棄物を減らせる

      • 従業員ボランティアプログラム: 地域社会の支援につながる

  3. みんなの選択肢を読み、その理由を理解しましょう。

  4. 2分間、各プランの弱い点(問題)を考え、自分の選択肢をもう一度考え直しましょう。(迷う場合は2つ以上でも大丈夫です。)

  5. ミーティング・ロールプレイを始めましょう。

  6. ロールプレイでは、これらのプランについて話し合い、比較しましょう。

  7. もしどのプランも気に入らない場合は、いつでも新しいアイデアを提案してかまいません。



Saying Why an Idea is Good

  • One advantage is that…

  • Another good point is that…

  • I like that idea because…

  • (Idea) is a good option because…

Describing Weak Points

  • One problem is that…

  • Another issue is that…

  • I’m not sure about…

  • I think (idea) might be too…

Stating a Preference

  • I prefer (idea) because…

  • I’d choose (idea) because…

  • (Idea A) is better than (Idea B).

  • (Idea A) is more suitable than (Idea B).


2.) Business Discussion: Business Travel

Vocabulary List

  • Itinerary – A plan for travel, listing all meetings and activities.

  • Travel Budget – Estimated travel costs for flights, hotels, and food.

  • Conference Call – A phone or online meeting.

  • Expense Report – A form to record travel costs.

  • Travel Reimbursement – Money paid back for travel costs.

  • Jet Lag – Tiredness from long flights across time zones.

  • Liaison – A person who connects groups for communication.

  • Visa – A permit to enter a foreign country for business.

  • Perks – Extra benefits, like frequent flyer points or upgrades.

  • Client Meeting – A meeting with customers or potential clients.

Business Travel Article

Business travel is important for meeting clients and exploring markets. Companies provide an itinerary and a travel budget to cover flights and hotels. After the trip, employees submit an expense report. Although conference calls can solve some issues, face-to-face meetings are often better for building trust. Jet lag and visa issues are common challenges, but perks like frequent flyer programs can make travel easier.

Discussion Questions

  1. How do you prepare for a business trip? What is essential?

  2. Have you ever submitted an expense report? Was it difficult?

  3. How do you handle jet lag after long flights?

  4. Are face-to-face meetings better than virtual ones? Why?

  5. What are the best perks of frequent business travel?



3.) Casual Discussion: Any Topic from the Group


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